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Google Glass takes over Sydney's Taronga Zoo to showcase its capabilities.

A world-exclusive and immersive experience from Google has taken over Sydney this week. A few selected lucky people, myself included, were granted the unique opportunity to test the new Google Glass at Taronga Zoo and here is what we saw through this new tech-savvy lens.

I was able to witness the remarkable capabilities of the device firsthand and let me tell you, the experience was nothing short of extraordinary, allowing me to get up close to owls, observe kangaroos, witness the birth of a koala, and even record and take pictures while feeding a giraffe —all made more immersive through the cutting-edge technology of the G-glasses.

In essence, Google Glass serves as an extension of one's smartphone or desktop computer. Displaying information through an optical head-mounted display that appears as a 25-inch HD TV screen about 2 meters in front of the user, it allows for navigation, searching, and accessing information through voice commands and a touchpad on the side. Weighing approximately 50 grams, it includes Wi-Fi for internet connectivity, Bluetooth for tethering to an Android phone, and a micro USB for charging.

According to Google, the aim is to integrate technology seamlessly into daily life, reducing the need to constantly check smartphones or tablets. However, some skeptics, wonder if it might lead to increased connectivity to Google services, invade privacy and boost a constant stream of alerts.

Google Glass introduces several intriguing features, such as real-time changes in the orientation of a Google map displayed on the screen as the user turns their head. Additionally, the device showcases impressive voice recognition, allowing users to ask questions and receive information quickly without navigating through multiple search results.

One distinctive aspect of Google Glass is its bone conduction technology for delivering sound, eliminating the need for traditional earphones. While initially a peculiar sensation, the vibrations and internalised sound become less strange over time.

As we explore the possibilities of Google Glass, a lingering question emerges: Can we seamlessly integrate them into our daily lives, or is this a technology reserved exclusively for the fortunate few who manage to get their hands on one? Either way, Google has once again surprised us with innovation and creativity.


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